Christian Education and Teacher Training

ecol-9The vision of the project is to see Christ-centered quality education provided to Liberian youth. During the 14-year civil war, 80 percent of the schools were destroyed and teachers fled the country. This project works with the local church to develop Christian schools. We train teachers and provide necessary resources.


Training covers basic phonics, reading and writing skills, mathematics, science, Bible study, class management and lesson planning, etc. We have included a theme on coping with trauma using a biblical approach. Liberians have suffered greatly during the years of war and its aftermath. Many suffer the ongoing effect of trauma and this helps both children and teachers understand how God can help them live a fulfilled life.

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Project funds purchase locally written reading books, Liberian mathematics books and science text books. We train the teachers in how to use these effectively. It also funds building projects such as new classrooms or latrines.

Progress is rewarding, teachers are eager to learn and help their students and the project has impacted more than 1500 pupils so far.